Hello! My name is
Vinicius [v-knee-see-uh-s] Placco and I am an Associate Astronomer at the NSF National
Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory
I work in the US National Gemini Office
(US NGO | @usngo),
which is a group within the Community
Science and Data Center
at the NOIRLab. Here you will find details about
my research, publications, CV, side projects, and much more! My contact
information is provided

My current research focuses on establishing observational constraints on the
origins of the chemical elements in the Galaxy and the Universe through spectroscopic
analysis of low-metallicity stars. Below you can find an interactive plot with a few selected
synthetic spectra for stars with different metallicities ([Fe/H] - upper panel) and different carbon
abundances ([C/Fe] - lower panel). All the spectra have the same effective temperature (Teff = 5250K)
and surface gravity (logg=2.5). More details soon!
Access the simple jupyter notebook with the code to generate this plot:
Publications and CV

ADS (full list of publications) | ADS (refereed publications only)

linelist generator | interactive periodic table
Google vmplacco | Twitter usngo | Skype vmplacco
If you got this far, please enjoy a time-lapse video created using screenshots from a webcam at
the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, while remote observing during Christmas 2020!